Now hiring

The Council is hiring two after school art teachers to work at the ArtShops programs at Geneva Woods and Cedar Park. The art teachers are part time after school and will start in August with school start. Descriptions of the position and the application form are attached. Send your application

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How will the vetoes affect the Arts Council?

Governor Dunleavy’s veto of all funding for the Alaska State Council on the Arts has a direct impact on our community. At the Juneau Arts and Humanities Council, we will immediately lose $40,000 in grant funds, essentially one staff position. These funds provide for the Artists in the Schools program

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Legislators’ emails

Use this list to contact the state leaders to let them know your thoughts and concerns. Legislators’ Email list

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Wherein we have bitten off more than we can chew

We are postponing the series of “Night In” fundraising dinners indefinitely. The summer just filled up with too many things!  

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Governor’s vetos affect the arts in Juneau

Please read this ASCA Press Release from the Alaska State Council on the Arts, whose budget has been eliminated by Governor Dunleavy. The Juneau Arts and Humanities Council is just one of many local arts agencies that will lose grant funding because of this veto. Our Artists in the Schools program

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JUNEAU WHAT 2019 released today

                Read more: What-19-FinalWeb Look for the full publication in the Juneau Empire on Sunday. Author and publisher of the Juneau What, Jeff Brown, is a recipient of a Governor’s Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Arts in 2011 in recognition of his

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The Ketchikan Area Arts & Humanities Council is seeking art for a project at the Ketchikan Airport. The full RFQ is attached. The project is being designed by MRV Architects of Juneau. RFQKTNAirport2019-final

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It’s Always Sunny at the JACC! Special summer rental rates

Rent the Main Hall at the JACC for $25/hour during regular business hours (9 – 5ish daily), space available. Comes with a hula hoops, balls, games, picnic table, and no worries about being rained out! Great for birthday parties or just getting out to play. Check the calendar to see

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Now hiring

The Council would like to hire an Operations Manager, an Events Production Manager, and two part time art teachers. The Operations position is full time and will begin in July. The Events position is part time and will likely start in September. The art teachers are part time after school

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Thoughts on Centennial Hall

HI The City is considering upgrades to Centennial Hall. Help in that process by giving us your thoughts about the facility and its needs: Loading…  

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