Standing together in the arts with the Asian American Community
The Juneau Arts and Humanities Council adds its voice to the calls for cessation of racial hatred and violence, and joins in sending its deepest condolences to the families and communities of affected by the murders in Atlanta. We recognize that our own community is not free from racial tensions
Call for Letter of Interest: Design Logo for Rock Aak’w
The Arts Council, in collaboration with several other organizations, is planning a biennial festival of indigenous music and dance opening in November 2021. We are seeking an indigenous artist to design the logo for that project. Interested artists can find information and send their information HERE. Letters are due January
Happy Holidays – Enjoy the shows
A Firefighter’s Tradition Lives On Released 12/25/20! Links to many holiday performances for the week
Holiday Pops is open
Enjoy a wonderful virtual Holiday Pops Concert – a gift from your friends and neighbors directed by Laurel Clough. Available on demand on YouTube through January 6.
JAHC Board meeting Wednesday 10/21 5:30 pm
Directly following the Annual Membership meeting on Wednesday, the Board of Trustees for the Juneau Arts and Humanities will hold its monthly board meeting. 10/20 Board Meeting packet
CORRECTION Annual Membership Meeting Wednesday Oct. 21
The Juneau Arts and Humanities Council will hold its annual membership meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 21 from 5 – 5:30, via Zoom. The Agenda: Salute to out-going Trustees Sue Sloss and Cheryl Snyder Approval of Bylaw amendments to allow Ex Officio and/or Emeritus Board member should circumstances warrant, and to
Fresh Air Market: Virtual and In-Person on August 7
Exciting news! We are working closely with the Downtown Business Association and CBJ to bring you a Fresh Air Market this coming First Friday — both in-person and virtual! VIRTUAL MARKETS The Virtual Market will be released on our online shop and items will be listed and up for the
City & Borough of Juneau offer Listening Session Wednesday June 17 at 7 pm
The City and Borough of Juneau, along with its police department, thank community members who’ve reached out on issues of racism and use of force. CBJ acknowledges the need to confront racial injustices and inequality, and to always work on improving public services. To that end, CBJ is hosting a
Take a Walk
It is a good evening to take a walk downtown. Keep your distance, yet enjoy the fresh air – and enjoy the art. The Juneau Arts and Culture Center’s First Friday exhibit this month is outside. Seven murals by seven artists fill the windows, and will be up until the